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Company information

Computer-aided engineering (CAE)
Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
Sensor networks
Computer-aided process planning (CAPP)
Wireless communication
Embedded systems
Environmental control systems
Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS)
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II)
Automated material handling systems
Material requirements planning (MRP)
Bar-coding / Automatic Identification
Cloud Computing
Numerical control machines (NC)
Computer Graphics
Computer Networks
Other technologies
Computer-aided design (CAD)
Real-time process control systems
Computer-aided engineering (CAE)
Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
Sensor networks
Computer-aided process planning (CAPP)
Wireless communication
Embedded systems
Environmental control systems
Flexible manufacturing systems (FMS)
Machine Learning
Artificial Intelligence
Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II)
Automated material handling systems
Material requirements planning (MRP)
Bar-coding / Automatic Identification
Cloud Computing
Numerical control machines (NC)
Computer Graphics
Computer Networks
Other technologies
Computer-aided design (CAD)
Real-time process control systems

Business Model

Select your current company readiness for each of the sub-dimensions below.

Aspects Questions Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Don't Know Not Relevant
Value Creation How does your organisation creates value? No product customisation. No appetite to adapt or adjust competencies to market and customer needs. Partial customisation of production. Awareness of the need to adapt and adjust competencies to market change. Partial customisation and digitalisation of services/products. Adaptability and flexibility strategies in place to adapt to some market and customer needs. Customisation and digitalisation of products/ services. Total Adaptability to change competencies accord to circumstances. Don't know Not relevant
Organisational Structure What is the level of awareness in business model and digital transformation in your organisation? No awareness of business model and digital transformation. Awareness of business model and digitalisation concepts with initial plans for development. Inclusion of main stakeholders in business strategy. " Business model and digitalisation implementation is in development with an agenda shared at all levels. Company integrates main stakeholders’ strategies to its own. Digital business model is well-stablished at all hierarchical levels with a holistic approach where multidimensional goals are in place. Don't know Not relevant
Operations and Resources What is the level of cyber-physical systems established in your organisation? No Cyber-physical system knowledge. No investment in IoT Cyber-physical system roadmap with partial implementation in place. Low investment in IoT Cyber-physical system developed. Medium Investment in IoT Mature Cyber-physical systems. High investment in IoT Don't know Not relevant
Data Analysis How is data used in your organisation? Data is not analysed, organised, or contextualised and it is only reviewed by area. Some data is analysed, and key business reports reviewed as company but still not contextualised. Most data is analysed, organised and integrated for making business decisions. All data is analysed and integrated to pursue informed decisions. Review as a cluster (Not only company but stakeholders). Don't know Not relevant
Technology How is the IT infrastructure and software developed in your organisation? IT Infrastructure developed in separate modules that address basic tasks and cannot interconnect. Supported by digital basic processes. No IT security strategy in place. IT Infrastructure partially integrated with main standards that help new modules develop accordingly. Interfaces make possible to process data. Initial plans for IT security strategy in place. IT Infrastructure standardized and new modules developed accordingly to the new processes. First stages of IT security strategy in place. IT Infrastructure synchronized in the SC with standards that allows inter-organisation communication and interoperability. Robust IT security strategy aligned with the business strategy. Don't know Not relevant

Select your 5 year ambition for readiness for each of the sub-dimensions below.

Aspects Questions Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Don't Know Not Relevant
Value Creation How does your organisation creates value? No product customisation. No appetite to adapt or adjust competencies to market and customer needs. Partial customisation of production. Awareness of the need to adapt and adjust competencies to market change. Partial customisation and digitalisation of services/products. Adaptability and flexibility strategies in place to adapt to some market and customer needs. Customisation and digitalisation of products/ services. Total Adaptability to change competencies accord to circumstances. Don't know Not relevant
Organisational Structure What is the level of awareness in business model and digital transformation in your organisation? No awareness of business model and digital transformation. Awareness of business model and digitalisation concepts with initial plans for development. Inclusion of main stakeholders in business strategy. " Business model and digitalisation implementation is in development with an agenda shared at all levels. Company integrates main stakeholders’ strategies to its own. Digital business model is well-stablished at all hierarchical levels with a holistic approach where multidimensional goals are in place. Don't know Not relevant
Operations and Resources What is the level of cyber-physical systems established in your organisation? No Cyber-physical system knowledge. No investment in IoT Cyber-physical system roadmap with partial implementation in place. Low investment in IoT Cyber-physical system developed. Medium Investment in IoT Mature Cyber-physical systems. High investment in IoT Don't know Not relevant
Data Analysis How is data used in your organisation? Data is not analysed, organised, or contextualised and it is only reviewed by area. Some data is analysed, and key business reports reviewed as company but still not contextualised. Most data is analysed, organised and integrated for making business decisions. All data is analysed and integrated to pursue informed decisions. Review as a cluster (Not only company but stakeholders). Don't know Not relevant
Technology How is the IT infrastructure and software developed in your organisation? IT Infrastructure developed in separate modules that address basic tasks and cannot interconnect. Supported by digital basic processes. No IT security strategy in place. IT Infrastructure partially integrated with main standards that help new modules develop accordingly. Interfaces make possible to process data. Initial plans for IT security strategy in place. IT Infrastructure standardized and new modules developed accordingly to the new processes. First stages of IT security strategy in place. IT Infrastructure synchronized in the SC with standards that allows inter-organisation communication and interoperability. Robust IT security strategy aligned with the business strategy. Don't know Not relevant

Collaboration / Integration

Select your current company readiness for each of the sub-dimensions below.

Aspects Questions Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Don't Know Not Relevant
Insourcing / Outsourcing Model What is the level of outsourcing / insourcing in your organisation? Tactical, subcontracting, limited outsourcing Tactical, subcontracting, Advent of outsourced logistics (3PLs) Use of 4PL Off-shoring Low-cost sourcing prevalent Focus on retaining core in-house Collaborative partnerships Don't know Not relevant
Execution Processes What is the strategy for customer facing, manufacturing and planning processes in your organization? Customer Facing: Transactional
Manufacturing: In-house, vertically integrated
Planning: Material and resource focus (Operational)
Customer Facing: Flow, joined up processes
Manufacturing: in-house, vertically integrated
Planning: Sales and operations based (Tactical)
Customer Facing: Strategic - longer term
Manufacturing: dispersed
Planning: Linked to business planning, multi-tiered. CFPR (Strategic)
Customer Facing:Strategic/ longer term
Manufacturing: in-house core, strategic partnerships non-core
Planning: strategic high level. CFPR. (Strategic)
Don't know Not relevant
Stakeholders communication and relationship What is the type of relationship your organisation has with its stakeholders? Transactional, adversarial with main stakeholders. Information based with Tier 1 Suppliers and Customers Information and knowledge based with Tier 1 and Tier 2 Suppliers and Customers Information, knowledge and insight based with Tier 1, 2 and 3 Suppliers and Customers Don't know Not relevant
Technology and Infrastructure What is the technology and IT infrastructure strategy in your organisation and the relationship of them with your stakeholders? IT strategy is transactional where order, material and production planning is centralized IT strategy is enterprise focus and supported by a ERP. IT strategy is network focus and is Internet enabled. IT strategy is cluster focus and fit for purpose based. Highly internet enabled. Don't know Not relevant
Performance Measures How are your organisation's performance measures established? SC KPIs are functional and retrospective. Focus on cost. SC KPIs are organisational, flow based and retrospective. SC KPIs are hierarchical and cascading Integrated as a network. They are reviewed 'live'. SC KPIs are high-level and cluster based. They are reviewed 'live'. Don't know Not relevant

Select your 5 year ambition for readiness for each of the sub-dimensions below.

Aspects Questions Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Don't Know Not Relevant
Insourcing / Outsourcing Model What is the level of outsourcing / insourcing in your organisation? Tactical, subcontracting, limited outsourcing Tactical, subcontracting, Advent of outsourced logistics (3PLs) Use of 4PL Off-shoring Low-cost sourcing prevalent Focus on retaining core in-house Collaborative partnerships Don't know Not relevant
Execution Processes What is the strategy for customer facing, manufacturing and planning processes in your organization? Customer Facing: Transactional
Manufacturing: In-house, vertically integrated
Planning: Material and resource focus (Operational)
Customer Facing: Flow, joined up processes
Manufacturing: in-house, vertically integrated
Planning: Sales and operations based (Tactical)
Customer Facing: Strategic - longer term
Manufacturing: dispersed
Planning: Linked to business planning, multi-tiered. CFPR (Strategic)
Customer Facing:Strategic/ longer term
Manufacturing: in-house core, strategic partnerships non-core
Planning: strategic high level. CFPR. (Strategic)
Don't know Not relevant
Stakeholders communication and relationship What is the type of relationship your organisation has with its stakeholders? Transactional, adversarial with main stakeholders. Information based with Tier 1 Suppliers and Customers Information and knowledge based with Tier 1 and Tier 2 Suppliers and Customers Information, knowledge and insight based with Tier 1, 2 and 3 Suppliers and Customers Don't know Not relevant
Technology and Infrastructure What is the technology and IT infrastructure strategy in your organisation and the relationship of them with your stakeholders? IT strategy is transactional where order, material and production planning is centralized IT strategy is enterprise focus and supported by a ERP. IT strategy is network focus and is Internet enabled. IT strategy is cluster focus and fit for purpose based. Highly internet enabled. Don't know Not relevant
Performance Measures How are your organisation's performance measures established? SC KPIs are functional and retrospective. Focus on cost. SC KPIs are organisational, flow based and retrospective. SC KPIs are hierarchical and cascading Integrated as a network. They are reviewed 'live'. SC KPIs are high-level and cluster based. They are reviewed 'live'. Don't know Not relevant