Diagnostic Tools

Supply Chain Resilience Hub > Diagnostic Tools

Diagnostic Tools

Our self-assessment diagnostic tools are designed to help your organisation establish its readiness in a range of supply chain aspects, thereby assisting you on your journey to more resilient, sustainable, and digitalized supply chains. The tools allow your organisation to compare how they scope versus the industry and produce a personalised report to summarise your results for your organization’s current levels of readiness and future aspirations. We are eager to discuss your findings and learn how we can help you navigate the future and overcome current obstacles.


Disruption-proof your supply chain with the Supply Chain Resilience Navigator.

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circular economy

Assess your capability to perform effectively within a Construction Supply Chain.

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Industry 4

Create your own personalised readiness report to dynamically compare your readiness against other companies.

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Supply Chain Digital Readiness

How digital is your supply chain? Assess the digital maturity of your supply chain for manufacturing & retail organisations.

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Assess your capability to perform effectively within a Distributed Manufacturing Supply Chain.

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Assess your capability to perform effectively within a Construction Supply Chain.

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