Supply Chain Resilience Hub > Building new Supply Chains > Connected Autonomous Vehicles: Legal and Regulatory Considerations Report

Connected Autonomous Vehicles: Legal and Regulatory Considerations Report

Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) are poised to revolutionise transportation making traveling safer, more comfortable, and more sustainable than current modes while reducing costs of traveling substantially. These vehicles will be partially or fully drive themselves, potentially and ultimately requiring no human driver participation at all, having the possibility to collect data on their usage and activities, as well as, communicate among themselves and with road-transport authorities. Therefore, there are a number of implications and areas for consideration within the legal and regulatory aspects of CAV and its associated technologies challenging the status quo of the roles of human drivers and vehicles. This report is of interest to the whole CAV ecosystem and believe it is in everybody’s interest to better understand the legal frameworks in which CAVs must operate and, going forward, to help influence what the future might look like.